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- The Trail

Recognised Scottish Charity SCO49156
The Town Trail

On the morning of Thursday, February 10, 1306, Robert Bruce met his cousin John Comyn, Lord of Badenoch and the most influential man in Scotland, in the Church of the Grey Friars, Dumfries. No-one can say for certain how it happened by Comyn died near the high altar and Bruce was left with little option but to pursue his aim of capturing the throne and ending English domination of the country.

Sadly, nothing is left of the Grey Friars Church today, save the ground on which it stood, covered in shops, and a Victorian disused kirk of the same name a few yards away. However, the site marks the central point of the Dumfries Town Trail which takes in six points linking the ancient Royal Burgh with the hero king.

Castledykes, for example, was the site of the town castle, the first in Scotland captured from occupying forces by Bruce.

St Mary's Church stands on what was originally the town's execution site where Sir Christopher Seton was hung, drawn and quartered in 1307.